Automatically import law firm data into spreadsheets.

Tired of manually exporting data and rebuilding stale reports? Save hours by automatically syncing your Filevine and Lead Docket data to spreadsheet.

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Trusted by these firms

Easy, Flexible Reporting for Filevine

Stop wasting valuable time fighting with fragile, outdated reporting tools and start creating operation-boosting dashboards and reports.

Say goodbye to constantly downloading CSV and Excel files and start automatically transferring your data into Google Sheets!

Seamlessly build efficient workflows and processes without breaking the bank on expensive developers. Leverage your practice data to build robust tools, all within Google Sheets.

Hit the ground running with our pre-built and fully-customizable templates so you can work faster.

Our one-and-done automation lets busy law professionals effortlessly transfer data between Filevine and Google Sheets so they can get more done in less time.

Say goodbye to constantly downloading CSV and Excel files and start automatically transferring your data into Google Sheets!

Flexible for any legal workflow.

Leverage our fast, easy-to-use tool to accelerate productivity and find holes in your data. We're a win-win for optimizing law firm operations!

Personal Injury

Track Case Settlement Statuses

Create a big picture view of case settlement statuses to effectively track progress of settlement of all cases.

Family Law

Personal Hours and Retainer Status

Aggregate personnel hours, remaining retainer amounts and next steps to create a macro view of all your family law clients.

Track Case Settlement Statuses

Create a big picture view of case settlement statuses to effectively track progress of settlement of all cases.

Personal Hours and Retainer Status

Aggregate personnel hours, remaining retainer amounts and next steps to create a macro view of all your family law clients.

Start Streamlining Your Data

Book a free demo with one of our experts to see how we can help accelerate your law firm's productivity!

Book a free demo

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? Check these frequently asked questions for real-time answers.

    • Why use Integrand when I already use Filevine?

      Filevine is great for what it is, but its technology limits law professionals. We simply integrate that same data you normally download via CSVs or Excel Sheets on Google Sheets that update in real-time.

    • How do I know if Integrand is right for my law firm?

      If you’re happy using Filevine, then Integrand just streamlines the data process so you can get more done in less time. You can always schedule a complimentary demo with one of our experts to have all your questions answered!

    • I run a national law firm that manages thousands of cases. Can you accommodate a practice of that size and how is that priced?

      If Filevine can handle your practice data, then so can we – we’ll just save you time. We offer custom pricing plans for larger law firms to best suit your needs so you can get the most bang for your buck.

    • Can I customize your pre-built templates?

      Of course! Our templates are made to give you a head start. You can make whatever adjustments you’d like to make your job easier.

    • Is there a lot of coding involved with the tools?

      Everything is pre-build so you don’t have to code anything. Everything’s done automatically!

    • How often will my data be updated in Google Sheets?

      It’ll depend on your plan. Our Starter plan provides daily updates, Pro offers hourly updates and Enterprise provides real–time updates. All represent better alternatives than manually downloading and uploading new documents, which slow your computer down over time.